Resident Evil 4 review

Capcom one of the greatest game designer who have revolutionized the third person shooter game in this game industry,today I am going to reviewed about the ganewhich revolutionized the third person shooter game resident evil4 well I have experience this game and when ever I play this game it never wears off, plus it has a simple story but a very complex reach to the story this game has so far one of the best entertaining game I have ever played the story starts with our main protagonist Leon s Kennedy government agent who has assign a job to find president missing daughter, so far with its action pack adventure, it have stayed with its survival root to this game environment is so complex that you feel the environment around you and so far the game has proven through out the time it can stand still on its on, I personally love this game .


  1. Write the review according to game designer point of view. Mention the point of challenges, balance , dimension of game too . Its a very general comment view of player.


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